How freepers see elections/ebola/deflation/terror affecting investments&economy --Weekly Thread

Our investing strategy is the mix of our own personal financial needs plus expected future developments in the economy.  So the buzz (on these threads) is that the biggest up-coming economic/employment changes impacting our investment choices in the next week or two are the midterm elections, Ebola, deflation, and the war on terror. 

We'll share our thoughts here on what we expect, and let's rate our expectations in terms of what we've been having up til now on the 'click-to-enlarge' graphs. 

On the right margin we got 5-yr stock index performance for a back drop on our own personal expectations.  Fer instance, my guess/wishful thinking is more of the same so I'll say short term up +10% and longer term +20%.

Right below stocks is the past ten years of metals --let's guestimate our expected short&long term trends.

Finally, for discussion we ought to compare our thoughts on what we see supporting our investment expectations --what do we blame for any expected upcoming shift.  OK, so we got the election.

<--Here's past party control of congress, and my personal expectations for beginning Jan. '15 is a 60% House and 65% Senate Rep. power shift.   [oops, forgot the 'wishful thinking ' tag]

Other newsworthy macro factors coming up in the next couple weeks that should be affecting the economy and our investments include the spread of Ebola, inflation/deflation, war on terror, etc.  So we can put at the bottom of the surveypoll/questionaire (SPQ) a vote on where we lob our blame.

OK, funtime!  here's the SPQ to fill out and post:


Change in stock indexes: ____% short term ____% long term
Change in metals prices: ____% short term ____% long term
Election results: ____% Rep. House ____% Rep. Senate
Cause of econ/investment trend (election,ebola,'flation,terror,other?): ____________________

The idea is to post the results in a graph table here and my guess is it'll take the better part of a week to get it all in.  Another option we got is y'all can private reply if you don't want a public commitment -more work for me but that's OK because that way I can change your vote or even make up bogus replies to back up my own prejudices.  As for how actual reality compares to our guestimates, prices come out every minute, the election's a week from Tues, and agreement on the cause should probably take a few decades...

This is the thread where folks swap ideas on savings and investment --here's a list of popular investing links that freepers have posted here and tomorrow morning we'll go on with our--

Open invitation continues always for idea-input for the thread, this being a joint effort works well.   Keywords: financial, WallStreet, stockmarket, economy.